[ohne Titel]
in: The Musical Times and Singing-Class Circular, Jg. 44, Heft 722, Mittwoch, 1. April 1903, Rubrik »Music in Vienna«, S. 257–258

relevant für die veröffentlichten Bände: III/4 Macbeth
Vienna, March 15.

[…] Richard Strauss’s early symphonic poem »Macbeth,« likewise produced by the Concert‑Verein, met with a distinctly more favourable reception this time than on the occasion of its first performance last year by the Berlin Tonkünstler Orchestra, when the composer himself conducted.

At a concert given here recently by Richard Strauss, the programme – a very »modern« one – included his own suite »Aus Italien,« and symphonic poem, »Tod und Verklärung,« as well as the symphonic ballade »Der Woywode,« by Tschaïkovsky, and a number from »Messidor,« by Alfred Bruneau. The two last‑named pieces had not been produced in Vienna before, but failed to arouse any very great interest.

[…] [258] […]

verantwortlich für die Edition dieses Dokuments: Stefan Schenk


Richard Strauss Werke. Kritische Ausgabe – Online-Plattform, richard‑strauss‑ (Version 2017‑03‑31).

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